
Midi external d16 phoscyon cubase
Midi external d16 phoscyon cubase

midi external d16 phoscyon cubase

maybe sliders to set both values customly). We're going in one of upcoming Phoscyon versions to expand the range of generated velocity values by adding more variants to select from or change way of how velocity values for generated / accepted MIDI notes are configured (e.g. I'm afraid velocity values generated by Phoscyon don't reach required by TT303 value of 112, so that's the reason why it doesn't work.

midi external d16 phoscyon cubase

High - where velocity value for accented notes is 96 and for non-accented 48, Medium - where velocity value for accented notes is 64 and for non-accented 32, Low - where velocity value for accented notes is 32 and for non-accented 16, Phoscyon has select-able velocity values he interprets as accented notes (from its Option panel) in External mode, which also affects the notes generated by MIDI OUT. Waiting for your opinions, suggestions, feedback.I'm terribly sorry for misleading you, but i made a mistake in my reply (confused Phoscyon, if comes to generating MIDI events, with other our products). Sorry for that long reasoning but wanted to explain it precisely and hope I did it (sorry for my English ) during edition or even playing live with it when he has good timingĪnd it not affects the 'offline' song edition when you put on the piano roll 'silent' notes. With this feature user can just triggers the patterns to test them eg. It'll stop when another pattern starts or when user press the same note once again with the velocity lower than 100 (to give the ability to stop pattern in any time).


D16 Group Drumazon Super 909 clone drum software which plays from internal sequencer or triggerable from midi note data like a regular drumbox plugin. When the note on message comes with the velocity lower than 100 the pattern will be triggered in the 'normal' way and continue playing until note off comes or another pattern starts.īut when the note on comes with the velocity greater than 100 the pattern will be triggered 'instant' and will not stop when note off comes. D16 Group Phoscyon Superbly versatile and accurate tb303 plugin synth with additional features. there is some predefined velocity level let's say 100 (of course user will be able to change this value if he want). There are many solutions for this but we think that one of the most flexible is to take into account velocity of the note.Įg. When controlling with keyboard you should keep the key pressed to continue running so it's not the best solution.īut we understand that users may want to trigger patterns freely (not using the chain) in any time without need of keeping the note pressed. Single Pattern Mode has not been originally designed to playing live. Important is that each pattern is started immediately after Midi note on message. With this user can easy decide when specified patterns start and stop in the song and it's quite good visible and editable on the piano roll how long pattern plays etc. In this mode each note starts the pattern and it's played until note is off. Single Pattern Mode was dedicated mostly to be edited with the rest of the song on Midi Track, piano roll etc. This mode is rather to playing live than editing chain contents across midi track or something. So in summary the Chain Mode is dedicated to use synchronized with the host when you want to set quickly range of patterns to be played and forgot about it.

midi external d16 phoscyon cubase

The Midi note set next pattern in the chain whilst pressing one note during holding another one set the chain range.

midi external d16 phoscyon cubase

Better if he can use external controller to do it so we mapped notes from pattern numbers range and it is possible to control the chain directly from external midi controller. playing live using the GUI buttons to control the chain range can be uncomfortable. The important thing is that chain starts running when you press START on GUI or when you press Play on your host and next pattern can start only if actual pattern reach the last step.īecause of users may want to use Chain Mode eg. You can define end of chain range with CTRL+LMB. on GUI) you define next pattern which will start play when actual pattern reach the last step. Chain can not be empty so it always have at least one pattern. Chain can contain range of patterns which are played circular (looped). When you want to use exactly the same chaining as in the 909 you'll choose Chain Mode. These modes rather exclude each other because they have different use. When you use internal sequencer you must choose between Chain Mode and Single Pattern Mode. I would like to know your opinion about some idea before we implement it.

Midi external d16 phoscyon cubase